• Year end accounts 2021-22

    Here are the year end accounts for 2021-22. It includes all sections of the AGAR, Internal audit reports, Year end balances, Variances and notification of public rights.


  • Norfolk Village Cluster Allocation

    This has now closed and we thank all those parishioners that cam to the warm space and other parish events to do their comments to the Reg 19 Clusters Allocation. we had over 35 responses which is fantastic

  • Thorpe Hall transfer

    At the recent parish council meeting dated 17th January the Transfer of Thorpe Hall from the Developer to the Parish Council and then from the Parish Council to The Community Interest Charity took place.

    The links below are the transfer documents for everyone to see



    Some parts still are under the Parish Council control such as

    Tennis Courts, Car Park, Sports Field, Pond, permissive path, Village Green and the Hammer Head Junction as shown on the s106 notice to The Parish Council



  • Community Hot Spot

    The Parish Council are looking to run a community hotspot for all parishioners to come to The Village Hall, Have a free hot drink and chat with their friends.

    The Parish Council are looking at grants to fund this and once the decisions are known and the dates and time of the community hotspot, we will ensure all parishioners are made aware.

    It is hoped to run on a Monday from 9.30am to 1,30pm from 7th November to the end of March.  We are looking for volunteers to help with this new venture

  • Your Councillors

    Councillors and their responsibilities

    Jacqueline Ives – Chair,  Tel:01508 481710

    Chris Leggett – Vice Chairman, Internal Control and Planning
    Tel: 01508 486795

    Roy Burridge, Tel: 01508 489257 Fundenhall Representative

    Gus Williams, (Community Speed watch)Tel:01508 486899

    Simon Allen, Village Maintenance and Fundenhall Representative

    Serge Engamba  Footpath warden and defibs

    Alan Arber – Parish Clerk,


    District Councillor – Ian Spratt






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